Opening the Door to Quality Recovery Housing
Ohio Recovery Housing's 2023 Annual Conference
Presentation Linkages
Adopting the SMART Recovery's Life Skills Curriculum.
Oxford House Update.
Landlord Tenant Law Update
Building Relationship with Employers.
Partners in Recovery: Recovery Community Organizations and RH.
Recovery Advocacy 101.
Building Relationships with Your County Board.
Strategies in Handling MAT, Prescriptions and OTC Drugs in a Recovery House.
Trauma Informed Care in RH.
Connecting the Dots while Balancing Self-Care as an Agent for Change.
Grant Writing: Avoiding Pitfalls.
Equality and Equity in RH for LGBTQ+.
Language of Recovery in RH.
Best Practices in Crisis Response.
How to Use Outcomes Tool Data.
Resident Financial Coaching.
Faith-based Sober Living.